Hinge Workshop
@Healthworks Coolidge Corner

March 12th 1-2pm

The PhyziX hinge workshop for trainers will help give you the tools to understand and help your clients eliminate back pain and strengthen their deadlift and hinges!

Workshop Highlights:

  • Master teaching proper hinge & deadlift mechanics

  • Learn expert-approved techniques to clients reduce strain on their back

  • Get clients to feel the right muscles working - more legs and less back!

  • Get hands-on coaching from the PhyziX’s Physiotherapists

Want the video recording along with the presentation notes and exercises? Complete the form below and we’'ll send it to you!

Starting From the Ground Up:

The Role of Foot Mechanics

At PhyziX, we pay special attention to foot mechanics, a highly overlooked area in most rehabilitation approaches. The foot is your body’s first point of contact with the physical environment. It contains about 7,000 nerve endings that provide critical feedback to your brain. This feedback helps regulate balance, posture, and movement. This interaction has profound impact on how the rest of your body functions.

By addressing this often missed piece of the puzzle, we have been able to deliver faster and more lasting results to even the most complex cases.

In this video, our founder, Dr. Jia, demonstrates how he uses simple foam wedges to correct foot mechanics and resolve chronic back pain.

What Our Clients Are Saying